80% Creative

We are a marketing consulting company, committed to crafting high impact messages.

We are creative problem solvers committed to creating tangible outcomes for B2B companies. We do not hesitate to bring weird ideas to the table. They may just click!

20% weird

I am looking to

for my

Am I in the right place?

We solve five of the most common
marketing challenges for B2B organizations

  1. Getting the right brand visibility
  2. Need for creative content
  3. Crafting compelling GTM strategy
  4. Discovering impactful ABM approach
  5. Delivering memorable communications











of thinking creatively to

Build brands Create content Narrate stories Define ABM

Why is this important?

We have partnered with some of the most creative brands in pollinating and taking them to market

Why should I care?

We humanize marketing, we goof up and we are happy to start again. We fail fast and learn quick, giving you a delivery experience that is hands-free, friendly, experimental and fun!


What’s in it for me?

Having mastered the art of problem solving with design thinking principles, we bring to you a framework that delivers results. It’s about delivering what you care about.

Why we love what we do


Memorable stories of your success & work that customers would remember and narrate.


Relevant, appropriate & contextual content for effective communication


It’s the crazy in us that allows us to think out-of-the-box for you. You don’t even need to unleash it!

Free Work

Thankfully we are driven by passion and so your money is the last thing on our mind!


Bringing life to your offerings in creative forms that you probably hadn’t thought of


Clients who feed us are our favourite. Our love for food keeps us staying longer with you ☺


On demand CMO office to work alongside you in creating brand positioning & messaging


Return on relationships is our biggest objective – Between us and between you & your customers


We eat technology, we drink technology, we sleep technology so you don’t have to teach us technology


The underlying current that keeps us ticking and delivering the best we have. It’s infectious!

We are spoilt! Every client has been a reference from an earlier client.
Do you know why?

All client engagement of ours is built on shared trust, passion & the zeal to deliver value. For us the only thing that matters is that we have solved the most pressing problems you are facing in your business and armouring you with the best ammunitions so you can go out there and win.



Don't hesitate, we love to just talk! Discuss your new project with us today or just call us for a chat!

Learn about how we work with Organizations in creating People Experience. Visit Humansof.work

1a, Bheemanna Mudali St, Natesan Colony, Alwarpet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600018
© Toss the Coin Limited, - All rights reserved.

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Got a project? Great! Share its details with us and we will do the rest.